The market shows the same signals to everyone, yet the results are different.

  • 85% lose their money

  • 10% break even

  • 3% make a living out of it

  • 2% get rich

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The market shows the same signals to everyone, yet the results are different.

  • 85% lose their money

  • 10% break even

  • 3% make a living out of it

  • 2% get rich

There are several reasons why people fail in stock market trading

The majority of traders lack a profitable strategy and fail to understand market movements. Furthermore, the most important factor that affects the previous two is the lack of preparation for the human side of stock market trading.

Even a profitable strategy can turn into a losing one if the person operating it is not in a good mental state. On the other hand, a weaker strategy can yield consistent profits if the user is balanced, confident, and capable of controlling their emotions.

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Does this sound familiar?

  • Do you hesitate when entering?
  • Do you move your stop loss?
  • Do you chase quick movements?
  • Do you notice the opposite direction after entering?
  • Has your confidence in yourself or the strategy wavered?
  • Or is it all of these at once?

Most traders know how they should trade, yet few are able to leverage their own resources.

What do you need to move to a higher level?

I am Kata Balogh, and my goal is to help traders and investors who already have experience in stock market trading and, despite any disappointments, have not given up and have decided to make a living out of it and adopt a trader’s lifestyle.

My aim is to elevate the trading performance of my clients to a higher level, so they can maintain their motivation and commitment and develop the necessary mindset for trading.

The formula is simple: To achieve better trading performance, you need to work on your mental preparedness. This is part of the machinery/game. You need to improve it just like your strategy. I can help you with that in various ways.

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How can you reach higher levels?

You need to map out the pattern you are working with. You need to know what you’re doing wrong and where there is room for improvement.

We need to find the errors and their underlying causes, so we can intervene at the right places.

You need to transform your current operating system and establish new routines and response patterns.

You need to deepen the response patterns to make the process automatic and secure.

Check out my latest articles!

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